Monday, June 30, 2008

Rhyme by Number

Number words constitute a small collection of words that are easily encoded in an alternate representation (numerals).

  • oh zero
  • one two three four five six seven eight nine
  • ten eleven twelve
  • {thir, four, fif, six, seven, eight, nine}teen
  • {twen, thir, four, fif, six, seven, eigh, nine}ty
  • hundred thousand million billion trillion

Reading over the MPEG-1 specifications annex document from the ISO, I found an interesting poem:

short blocks
scale factor bands, width of band
index of start, index of end
zero four zero three
one four four seven
two four eight,

I'm curious how many sound-features of English language poetry can be imitated in numbers. Here's my own number-poem (to be spoken aloud):

1 5 13
2 1 20
0 3 14
5 0 70
25 22
26 27
59 62

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Misbehaving Email Client

When you include an excerpt in a reply email, it randomly selects an excerpt from another email sitting in your inbox. When your subject line is something too regular, something you've used before, it generates a new one at random. Sometimes intensifying or removing adjectives.

Whatever happened to mishearing someone? Now you can re-read what they said and quote them perfectly with little effort. Does it still count as communication if there is no noise channel?